Pipe Dimensions and Weights

Pipe Dimensions and Weights

Disclaimer: Use this information at your own risk. Structural and code related information should always be double checked with alternative sources. All applicable national and local regulations and practices concerning this aspects must be strictly followed and adhered to. Below is a chart of US standard pipe dimensions, schedules, wall thickness and weights. The embedded…

American Standard Recommended Wide Flange Beam Gages

American Standard Recommended Wide Flange Beam Gages

Disclaimer: Use this information at your own risk. Structural and code related information should always be double checked with alternative sources. All applicable national and local regulations and practices concerning this aspects must be strictly followed and adhered to. Typical Beam Gages Excerpt from the page attached below: From the sketch it may be seen…

Steel Detailing Software

If you are in the middle of deciding which software to use for your steel detailing, here is the short list of some well established programs that are used by draftsmen, detailers and engineers. All apps below are tailored towards steel however, they are not limited to steel detailing. BOCAD BУ AVEVA The Powerful Structural…

Steel Detailing Quality Control and Assurance

Why it is important to check steel ѕhор drawing: Thе “buck stops” аt ѕtееl shop drawings. Steel shop drawings саnnоt bе interpreted, аѕ wоrkіng drаwіngѕ are. They аrе ѕресіаlіzеd, precise, instructions tо thе fabricator. Chесkіng іѕ thеrеfоrе vеrу important, as thе еntіrе buіldіng gеоmеtrу іѕ generally in thе control оf оnlу one ѕtееl dеtаіlеr. Thе…